by Angela Aja, blog contributor for Leaping Butterfly Ministry

This Turner syndrome support blog post is about helping TS women realize that they are more than enough.

2 Peter 1:3 (AMP)
3 For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through [a]true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.

What an interesting concept. You lack NOTHING!

Everything you need is inside of you.

Helping TS women

When you feel like you need more love, more joy, more peace, more patience or more self-control, it is in the container called “YOU”.

When you look outside of yourself for validation, acceptance and significance, you will always come up empty handed.

It’s already there, inside of you.

When you were young, everything you needed was given to you by someone else. If you needed food, sleep, or a clean diaper, you had to wait to fulfill those needs for you.

When you mature, however, you learn how to feed and care for yourself.

But somehow, emotionally, you get stuck wanting to get what you need from other people or things outside of you.

How would life open up to you if you moved around in the world as if you had everything you needed already inside of you?

What would change in your relationships if you didn’t need anything from other people, but it was a relationship of equal giving?

How much more confident would you feel if you didn’t show up in the world as if you were not enough?

How much more capable and powerful would you feel knowing that you lack nothing?

Try it on for size this week as if it were an outfit you were trying on in the dressing room of life.

Take off the torn and tattered blouse of lack that has clothed you in neediness.

Try on the garment of “more than enough”.

Leave the tags on and dance around in the mirror in this new ensemble of abundance to see how differently you show up in the world.

If it feels good, then OWN IT! WORK IT! BE YOU!




Leaping Butterfly Ministry relies on donations to change lives, to create awareness of Turner syndrome, contribute funds for research, and support for those touched by TS. Click here to see how you can help.