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Turner syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects girls and women with common conditions such as:
- Delayed puberty
- Heart defects
- Puffy hands and feet
- Learning difficulties (i.e. math)
- Kidney, thyroid, and liver concerns
- Hearing loss
- Frequent ear infections
- Social difficulties
- Infertility due to nonfunctional ovaries
- Scoliosis
- Short stature (under 5 feet)
- Many moles
- Receding lower jaw
- Low-set ears
- Triangular face
- Webbed neck
Turner syndrome can be diagnosed throughout the lifespan including adulthood with a test called karyotype. Currently, 50% of the girls born with Turner syndrome are not diagnosed until their pre-teen or teen years. These girls and women do suffer from infertility and other medical symptoms that require life-long care. Advances such as growth hormone and estrogen therapy have improved the lives of girls and women with Turner syndrome.