More Often

Have you made a list of resolutions for 2011? If you’re like me…you’ve been struggling with where to start or whether to even bother. Often we’ve made our list only to face defeat, but what is wrong with setting some goals? Nothing. The problem comes when you set...

Can You Believe It?

Honestly, how many times in the month of December did you say, “Can you believe its Christmas already? Didn’t we just have one?” Please tell me at least once so I don’t feel so alone. Today the question changes, “How was your Christmas?” Let’s see…where do I start?...

The Treasured Gift

Nothing warms the heart more than to see the excitement in a child’s eyes at Christmas. Children will be honest with their reactions of joy or tears when sitting on Santa’s lap. They learn early on what Christmas is about and what it means to celebrate the 25th of...

Winging It in a Digging Way!

My heart fluttered like Neil Armstrong bouncing around in moon dust the day after I reconciled with Jesus. I seemed to be weightless even though human eyes would say otherwise. I inhaled pure oxygen and walked with great purpose. One small surrender…one giant leap...

Was Had But Now Healed

I ran out of the choir room in search for the girl who just shared her testimony. She was part of the team who came from surrounding areas of Houston. I had never laid eyes on her before but now I considered her my best friend.“Hi, do you have a minute?” I asked...

Is She For Real?

Have you ever been in a church setting where members shared their personal testimonies? Becomes very difficult to argue what God miraculously has done, doesn’t it? Nothing thrills me more than to hear another’s “Glory Story”, as I call it. Usually the circumstances...