Written by Debbie Browne

Recently, Ashley Pope, our Seeds of Faith Celebration co-chairman, posted this on her Facebook page of a poem written by a mother and daughter for the Turner Syndrome Society Connect magazine. Below is a picture of Ashley’s daughter.

Allie Post

Original Post by Katie & Nikki Rinkliff

“I want you to know, My love, My precious butterfly that I have always loved you. I’ve seen every tear you’ve cried.

You are not a genetic accident, mishap, or mistake. You are not some type of error that humans tend to make.

See, I knitted you together within your mother’s womb. I designed every part of you as on a master’s loom.

Because… You are created in My image, a reflection of My glory.

I have not forgotten you. I am the Author of your story.

When your body seems against you, and your fight is all but gone, I will never leave you, and My arms are always strong.

From medicines to hospitals, and doctors day after day, I will be your comfort.

All you have to do is pray.

When you find yourself locked down in fear and scenarios fill your head, take them all and lay them down at My feet instead.

Anxiety can feel like torture. It is the devil’s greatest game. But I will hear your anguished cries calling out My name.

You may not think your glamorous, but you are the apple of My eye.
Your beauty is transcendent. You don’t even have to try.

Beloved, I know you mourn the loss of the children you cannot bare, But I will grant you countless ways to show the world you care.

So whether you have one, two, three, or four…or maybe no children at all, I still designed your family.

Take heart. Be glad. Stand tall. And know you are My masterpiece, A treasure I call “Mine”, There’s not one hair I do not know.

I made you special by design. Because … You are created in My image, a reflection of My glory.

I have not forgotten you. I am the Author of your story.


Leaping Butterfly Ministry relies on donations to change lives, to create awareness of Turner syndrome, contribute funds for research, and support for those touched by TS. Click here to see how you can help.