Never Say Never

One year ago this month I did something I never thought I could do—write a weekly blog. Of all the people I’ve ever known in my lifetime ‘I’ would have voted me the Least Likely to do so. But God, has a way of taking our ‘Nevers’ and turning them into a blazing...

The Wedding March

My most vivid memory of my mother was watching her graceful hands on the organ keyboard. As the church organist she often practiced music for weddings. Soloist, too, would practice the popular ceremonial 1950 songs of Because and The Lord’s Prayer. To me—it was music...

Can You Hear Me Now?

Transformation is hard work if you truly make the decision to give all of your heart to Jesus. It cost. Pieces don’t cut it. Childlike faith is the key ingredient, which melts wisdom and intimacy into a sweet relationship with Jesus. The luster of your faith of trust...

This Too Shall Pass

Has your mother ever said those four words? Mine would as she consoled me with reminders of inevitable change. The absolute was fine in an undesirable situation but heartbreaking when not.But one day the rollercoaster will end. All accounts will be settled. Nothing...

Action Packed

In my opinion—if you’ve seen one action packed movie…you’ve seen them all. My husband has agreed to disagree with me for they are his favorite. “Oh, gee, wonder how many things will be blown up in this movie?” For which he replies, “Better than watching a movie with a...